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简介1.高中英语常见的动词短语有哪些?2.高三英语单词词组大全3.求高考英语常用短语4.高考英语必备短语5.跪求、2011年高考英语重点词组(江苏的)6.高考英语知识点考点总结归纳7.高考英语作文好的词组,好的句子(语法的,从句)高中英语词组 a series of 一系列above all 首先,尤其是 3. absent from不在,缺席 4. account for 解释 5. accuse










a series of 一系列

above all 首先,尤其是

3. absent from不在,缺席

4. account for 解释

5. accuse sb. of sth.控告

6. all at once 突然,同时

7. all but 几乎;除了...都

8. all of a sudden 突然

9. anything but 根本不

10. apart from 除...外

11. appeal to 吸引,申诉,

12. apply to适用

13. approximate to近似,

14. as a matter of fact 实际上

15. as a result(of)由于

16. as a rule 通常,照例

17. as far as I am concerned 就...而言

18. as follows 如下

19. as for 至于,关于

20. as regards 关于,至于

21. as to 至于,关于

22. ashamed of羞愧,害臊

23. aside from 除...外

24. at a loss 不知所措

25. at a time 一次,每次

26. at all costs 尽一切代价

27. at all events 不管怎样,

28. at all times 随时,总是

29. at first sight 乍一看

30. at hand 在手边,在附近

31. at length 最终,终于

32. at no time 从不,决不

33. at one time 曾经,一度;

34. at present 目前,现在

35. at the cost of 以…代价

36. at the moment 此刻,

37. aware of意识到

38. back and forth 来回地,

39. back up后备,支援

40. be available to sb.可用,

41. be dying to渴望

42. be fed up with受够了be tired of

43. be in season 上市的/

in peak season旺季

44. be in the mood to do sth. 想做

45. be under the weather 身体不好

46. bent on sth.下定决心做

47. beyond one's ability超越某人的能力

48. break down抛锚

49. break though突破

50. bring about 使…发生

51. by accident 偶然

52. by all means 尽一切办法,

53. by hand 用手,用体力

54. by itself 自动地,独自地

55. by means of 用,依靠

56. by no means 决不,

57 by way of 经由,

58. call off取消

59. call on号召,拜访

60. charge sb.with sth控告

61. come in contact with 与…取得联系

62. come up (with)提出,

63. conscious of意识到

64. content with满足于

65. count down倒计时

66. count one's chickens before they are hatched过于乐观

67. count on依靠

68. count the day期待

69. crazy about热衷,着迷

70. critical of挑剔,批评

71. cry in one's beer借酒消愁

72. cry on one's shoulder依靠

73. cut down on 减少

74. cut down削减

75. cut in插入 插话

76. cut off切断

77. cut up切碎

78. die out 灭绝

80. drop by / in 顺路拜访

81. due to 由于,因为

82. each other 互相

83. equal to相等,胜任

84. equivalent to相当于

85. every other 每隔一个

86. except for 除了...外

87. expert at/in/on善于

88. fall flat 平躺在地上

89. far from 远非,远离

90. favorable to支持,赞成

91. feel blue心情不好

92. feel free to随便

93. figure out sth. 解决

94. fit for适于

95. flat tire轮胎没气

96. fond of喜欢

97. for good 永久地

98. for the better 好转

99 for the moment 暂时,

100. for the present目前

101. for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益

102. for the time being 暂时,

103. free of /from未受...;免

105. from time to time 有时,

106. get a bargain 买便宜货

108. get over恢复

109. get used to习惯于

110. give off发出

111. give someone a hand帮忙

112. go about sth. 开始做…

113. go after追求

114. go ahead同意做某事

115. go for竭尽全力做

116. go out熄灭,外出

117. go over复习,从头到尾检查

118. go through从头到尾

119. go without单独

120. guilty of有...罪的

121. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切

122. hang up 挂断

123. have the final say有决定权

124. heart and soul 全心全意地

125. hold up坚持 交通阻塞

126. hold water站得住脚

127. how come怎么会

256. hungry for渴望

257. ignorant of不知道

258. impatient at sth.不耐烦

259. impatient for急切,渴望

260. impatient of无法容忍

263. in a moment 立刻,一会儿

264. in a sense 从某种意义上说

265. in a way 在某种程度上

266. in a word 简言之,总之

268. in addition to 除...之外(还)

270. in advance 预先,事先

272. in any case 无论如何

273. in any event 无论如何

274. in brief 简单地说

275. in case of 假如,防备

276. in charge of 负责,总管

277. in common 共用的,共有的

278. in consequence(of)由于

280. in detail 详细地

282. in effect 实际上,事实上

283. in favor of 支持,赞成

285. in general 一般来说,大体上

286. in half 成两半

287. in hand 在进行中,待办理

288. in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念

289. in itself 本质上,就其本身而言

290. in line with 与...一致

291. in memory of 纪念

292. in no case 决不

293. in no time 立即,马上

294. in no way 决不

295. in order 按顺序,按次序

296. in other words 换句话说

297. in part 部分地

298. in particular 特别,尤其

299. in person 亲自,本人

300. in place of 代替,取代,交换

301. in place 在合适的位置

302. in practice 在实践中,实际上

304. in public 公开地,当众

305. in quantity 大量

306. in question 正在谈论的

307. in regard to 关于,至于

308. in relation to 关于,涉及

309. in return for 作为对...报答

310. in return 作为报答/回报/交换

311. in short 简言之,总之

312. in sight 被见到;在望

313. in spite of 尽管

315. in tears 流着泪,在哭着

316. in terms of 依据

318. in the course of 在...过程中

319. in the distance 在远处

320. in the end 最后,终于

323. in the first place 首先

327. in the long run 长期

328. in the way 挡道

329. in the world 究竟,到底

331. in touch 联系,接触

332. in turn 依次,轮流;转而

333. in vain 徒劳,白费力

338. instead of 代替,而不是

339. intent on专心于

340. invisible to不可见的

343. keep one's eyes on关注

345. keep track of 留心

346. kind of / sort of有点somewhat

347. lay off 下岗

348. leave alone别说

349. let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密

355. loyal to忠于

357. mad about/on狂热迷恋

358. mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒

360. make (both) ends meet收支平衡

361. make a living谋生

362. make it成功

363. make the best / most of充分利用

364. many a 许多

367. meet one's needs满足要求

368. might as well不妨

369. mistake a for b 认错

370. more or less 或多或少,有点

371. my treat我请客

372. narrow escape九死一生

376. no doubt 无疑地

381. none other than 不是别的,正是

382. nothing but 只有,只不过

387. on a large/small scale 大/小规模地

388. on account of 由于

389. on behalf of 代表

390. on board 在船(车/飞机)上

391. on business 因公

392. on condition that 如果

394. on earth 究竟,到底

395. on fire 起火着火

397. on guard 站岗,值班

398. on hand 在场,在手边

400. on occasion(s) 有时,间或

401. on one's guard 警惕,提防

402. on one's own 独立,独自

403. on purpose 故意地

404. on sale 出售,廉价出售

406. on second thoughts 重新考虑

407. on the contrary 正相反

414. on the whole 总的说,大体上

416. on(an/the) average 平均,通常

417. once (and) for all 一劳永逸

418. once again 再一次

419. once in a while 偶尔

420. once more 再一次

421. once upon a time 从前

422. one another 相互

423. one's cup of tea喜欢的人/物

424. open to不限制,开放的

425. opposite to在对面

426. or else 否则,要不然

427. or so 大约,左右

428. other than 非;除了

429. out of breath 喘不过气来

430. out of control 失去控制

431. out of date 过时的

433. out of order 出故障的

434. out of place 不适当的

435.out of practice 久不练习,

436. out of sight 看不见,在视野外

437. out of the question毫无可能

438. out of touch 不联系,不接触

442. particular about挑剔,讲究

443. patient with有耐心

445. pick up捡

447. popular with受...喜爱,爱戴

449. pull one's leg拿某人开玩

451. put up with忍受

452. quite a few 相当多,不少

453. rain cats and dogs大雨

454. rather than 不是...(而是)

456. reach an agreement达成一致

457. regardless of 不顾,不惜

459. remove from 从…除去

461. resign one's post 辞职

462. responsible for是...原因

463. result from 由于

result in 导致

465. right away 立即,马上

466. ring sb. up 打电话给…

468. run out of用完

469. rush hours上下班高峰

470. see: see to it that –

make sure that确保

471. sensible of觉查到

474. be determined to / have one's mind set on / bent on 决定

475. short of缺少

476. show off卖弄

477. sick of厌恶,厌倦

478. side by side 肩并肩,一起

479. similar to相似

480. skilled at /in善于

481. slip one's mind 忘记

482. so far 迄今为止

483. somewhere around大约

484. sooner or later 迟早,早晚

486. stay up late 熬夜

487. step by step 逐步地

491. suitable for/to适合于

494. suspicious of怀疑

495. take a leave请假

496. take a seat / be seated

497. take one's place 取代

498. take one's time慢慢来

499. take sth. seriously 认真对待

500. take up占据

501. thanks to 由于,多亏

502. that is (to say) 就是说,即

504. tired of对...不在感兴趣

505. to the point 切中要害,切题

506. turn over 倾覆

508. uncertain of /about不确知

509. under control 处于控制之下

510. under the circumstances 这种情况下

511. up in the air没有确定

512. up to date 在进行中

513. up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于

518. what's up / new?发生了什么事?

519. with regard to 关于,至于

524. without question 毫无疑问





1. With the help of 在~~帮助下

under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下

2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格

be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格

3. at present=at the present time 目前

for the present 暂时

4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下

under the sun 在世界上

5. lie in 位于~~之内

lie on 同~~接壤

lie to 位于~~之外

6. at least 至少

in the least 丝毫,一点

7. by name 名叫

in the name of 以~~名义

8. in the air 空中,在流传

on the air 播出

9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法

in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上

get one’s own way to do 随心所欲

give way 让步,屈服

lose one’s way 迷路

by the way 顺便说一下

on one’s way to 在去~~的路上

Come this way 这边走

10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角)

in the corner 在角落里(内角)

on the corner 在角落上(外角上)

11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断

judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断

12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时

at the beginning of 在~~开始时

at the back of 在~~背后,支持

at the age of ~~岁时

at the foot of 在~~脚下

at the bottom of 在~~底部

at the top of 在~~顶上

at/on the edge of 在~~边上

13. in the course of 在~~过程中

in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里

in the face of 面对~~,尽管,纵使

in the middle of 在~~中间

in the end =at last=finally 最后

14. on the eve of 在~~前夕

on the side of 在~~一边

15. after a time = after some time 过一段时间后

for a time = for some time 一时,有一段时间

16. behind time 迟到,过期

behind the times 落在时代后面

17. at no time 决不

in no time 立即,马上

18. at one time = once time 曾经

at a time = each time 每次

at times = sometimes 有时

at all times 经常,一直,始终

at the same time 同时

at the time 在~~的时候

by the time 到~~的时候

19. for a moment 一会儿

for the moment 暂时

at the moment 当时

the moment /minute /instance 正当~~一刹那

20. once or twice 一两次

more than once 不止一次

once more 重新,又

once upon a time 从前

once in a while 偶尔


1. be on show / display / play / sale / strike / duty / trial

2. be of value / importance / use / no use / color / age / size / height / weight / significance

3. to one’s joy / surprise / pleasure / astonishment / sorrow / delight

4. in surprise / wonder / alarm / terror / horror / delight

5. by air / bicycle / boat / bus / car / letter / post / plane / telephone / train / wire

6. at daybreak / sunrise / dawn / noon/ dark / night

7. out of breath / control / question / sight

8. in fact / reality / substance / nature / practice / theory / short / brief / a word / detail / all / average / full / time / fashion / existence / turn / vain / haste / appearance / common / sum/

general / particular / public / secret / order / part / power / stock / case / bed / future / name / addition / sight

9. on duty / shift / holiday / leave / business / purpose / time / sale / show / board / hand / record / request / root / earth / farm / principle

10. for example / instance / all / good / nothing / convenience / short / fear / sale

11. by weight ( volume size number~~ ) / profession / definition / rule / turn / chance/ accident/

mistake / hand / train ( bus ,taxi ,ship ,boat ~~) / air / land / force / day / nature / sight

12. at most / least / best / worst / once / first / last / home / school / will ( at will:任意) / work /

night / midnight / daybreak / dawn / present / length / large

13. as above / below / following / over / usual / before / a matter of fact

14. above all / measure / normal

15. before all / long / time / now / then

16. after all / class / school

17. out of action / order / condition / use / operation / step / joint / repair/ gear / balance / range/

doubt / date / danger / hand / shape / place / question / stock /

18. with caution / interest / difficulty / ease / advantage / effect / reason / vigor / reserve / success / confidence

19. beyond comprehension / conception / description / expression / doubt / control / reach / power / measure / grasp / compare / controversy / dispute / hope / example

20. under age / discussion / test / way / repair



1. 以of结尾

ahead of , aside of , because of , east of , west of , instead of , short of , lack of , regardless of

2. 以to结尾

according to , as to , counter to , due to , owing to , next to , previous to , prior to , apostle to ,

relative to , subject to , subsequent to , on to , thanks to

3. 以with结尾

along with , together with

4. 以for结尾

as for , but for , except for , save for

5. 以from结尾

from above , from below , from among , from between , from beneath , from behind ,

from over


1. 以in开头

in addition to , in advance of , in agreement with , in case of , in charge of , in comparison with

in consequence of , in consideration of , in (the) course of , in contrast with , in the face of ,

in favor of , in front of , in honor of , in (the) light of , in the middle of , in the name of ,

in need of , in obedience to , in opposition to , in place of , in preference to , in (the) process of

in regard to , in reply to , in respect of

2. 以by开头

by means of , by order of , by reason of , by virtue of , by way of

3. 以at开头

at the beginning of , at the cost of , at the end of , at the hands of , at mercy of , at the point of ,

at the risk of

4. 以with开头

with an eye to , with the exception of , with the purpose of , with reference to , with regard to,

with respect to , with a view to , with the view of

5. 以for开头

for the benefit of , for fear of , for lack of , for the good of , for the sake of

6. 以under开头

under cover of , under pain of , under the present of

7. 以on开头

on account of , on behalf of , on the occasion of , on the part of , on the point of , on top of


1. I will share (in) the pleasure with him.

2. I spent two hours (in) reading the article.

3. I’ll write (to) you a letter.

4. He plays (on) the piano every evening.

5. Smith has traveled (through) China.

6. They are fighting (against) their enemy.

7. Please fill (in) the blanks in the following.

8. The houses face (to/on) the south.

9. She scolded (at) her child yesterday.

10. It is (of) no use talking.

11. There is no use (in) talking.

12. We couldn’t prevent them (from) getting married.

13. He is busy (in) preparing for the exam.

14. I have studied English (for) ten years.

15. This shirt doesn’t fit (for) me.

16. I want a place to live (in) .

17. You ought to break (off) this habit.

18. She always share (in) my troubles as well as (in ) my jobs.


1. 以break为中心的词组

break away from 脱离,逃离

break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚

break in 闯进,打断;使顺服

break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始

break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚

break the law 违反法律

break the record 破记录

break one’s promise 失言

break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解

2. 以catch为中心的词组

be caught doing 被发现做某事

be caught in the rain 淋雨

catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车

catch a cold 伤风,感冒

catch one’s word 听懂某人的话

catch sight of 发现,瞥见

catch up with 赶上,追及,追上

3. 以come为中心的词组

come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付

come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现

come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击

come back 回来;恢复,复原

come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒

come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于

come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次

come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成

come into power 开始执政,当权,当选

come into use 开始使用,获得应用

come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出

come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露

come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于

come to an end 终止,结束

come to know 开始了解到

come true 实现,成为现实;证实

come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽

4. 以do为中心的词组

be done in 精疲力竭

be done with 完全结束

do a good deed 做一件好事

do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费

do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于

do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于

do its work 有效,有作用

do much 极有用

do wrong to 做错

do one’s best 尽某人最大努力

do one’s homework 做作业

do one’s utmost 尽力而为

do proud 足以使~~骄傲

do sb. justice 公平对待某人

do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生

do sb. a favor 帮助某人

do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮

do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理

do without 不需要,不用

do wonders 创造奇迹

have much to do with 和~~很有关系

have nothing to do with 与~~无关

have something to do with 和~~有关

in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下

That will do. 行了;够了

5. 以get为中心的词组

get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传

get above oneself 自视高傲

get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常

get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解

get ahead of 胜过,超过

get along 前进,进步;同意;离去

get along with 与~~相处

get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击

get away 离开,逃脱

get back 取回,回来;报复

get behind 落后;识破

get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁

get down to 认真对待,静下心来

get familiar with 熟悉

get hold of 获得,取得

get home 到家

get in 进入,陷入;牵涉

get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身

get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处

get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功

get one’s hand in 熟悉;习惯

get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休

get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成

get ready for 为~~作准备

get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱

get through 到达,完成,通过;及格

get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见

get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织

get used to 习惯于

have got to do 不得不,必须

6. 以give为中心的词组

be given to 沉溺于,癖好

give about 分配;传播

give and take 相互迁就

give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发

give back 归还

give cause 给予~~的理由

give ear to 侧耳倾听

give forth 发出,放出;发表

give in 屈服,让步,投降

give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步

give off 发出(烟,气味)

give oneself out to be/as 自称为

give oneself up to 专心于;向~~自首

give out 分发,公布

give place to 让位于,被~~所替代

give rise to 引起,导致;使~~发生

give sb. to understand 通知某人

give up 放弃;停止

give way to 让步,退却;屈服于

7. 以look为中心的词组

look about 四下环顾;查看

look after 照顾,看管

look around 东张西望

look at 注视,着眼于

look back 回顾

look for 寻找;期待,期望

look down on 俯视;轻视

look forward to 盼望,期待

look into 窥视;调查;浏览

look like 看起来象

look on 旁观;面向

look out 向外看;注意;当心,堤防

look over 从上面看过去;检查

look through 透过~~看去;看穿;浏览

look up to 仰望,尊敬

8. 以make为中心的词组

be made from 由~~原料制成

be made of 由~~材料制成

be made up of 由~~组成

make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗

make a mistake 弄错

make a point of doing 强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持

make advantages/use of 使用,利用

make after 追求,追赶

make believe 假装

make certain 确信,把~~弄清楚

make contact with 接通,与~~接触,与~~联系

make for 去向,向~~前进;有利于

make friends with 和~~交友

make into 把~~制成,使~~转变为

make much of 重视;理解;赏识

make one’s mind on sth. 决定某事

make one’s own 当作自己的看待

make oneself at home 随便,别拘束

make out 填写;开支票;理解;辨认

make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视

make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化装

make up to 接近,巴结;向~~求爱

make way for 为~~让路,让路于

on the make 急求成功;增加

9. 以put为中心的词组

put aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除

put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉

put back 把~~放回原处;驳回

put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落

put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议

put ~~ into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成

put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞

put on 上演;穿上,带上

put one’s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志

put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列

put up with 忍受,容忍

10. 以take为中心的词组

be taken aback 吃惊

take a seat 就坐

take a shower 淋浴,洗澡

take aim 瞄准,设立目标

take away 拿走,减去;夺去

take ~~ by surprise 出奇制胜

take care of 当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责

take ~~ for 把~~当作

take off 脱去,除去;离开;起飞;模仿;起程;致死;复制,作副本;减弱

take office 就职,上任

take one’s place 就坐,入坐

take one’s temperature 量体温

take part in 参与,参加

take place = happen 发生,举行

take the place of 代替

take pride in 以~~为荣,对~~骄傲

take sb. by the arm 拉某人的胳膊

take it easy 别着急,慢慢来

11. 以turn为中心的词组

give a new turn to 对~~予以新的看法

in one’s turn 轮到某人做某事

out of turn 不按次序的,不合适宜的

take one’s turn to do 轮到做

turn a blind eye to 对~~视而不见

turn against 背叛,采取敌对态度

turn back 折回,往回走

turn down 折叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑

turn into 走进;变成,变为

turn to ~~for help 求助于

turn off 关上(自来水,电器开关);解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产

turn on 打开(自来水,电器开关);反对;依靠,依赖,取决于

turn one’s attention to 把注意力转向

turn out 培养;证明是;制成;实际情况是

turn out to be 原来是,证明是,结果是

turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新

turn (a)round 旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策

turn to 变成;着手于

turn upside down 颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱



















































































admit doing sth.承认做某事

advise doing sth.建议做某事

allow doing sth.允许做某事

appreciate doing sth.感激做某事

avoid doing sth.避免做某事

consider doing sth.考虑做某事

delay doing sth.推迟做某事

deny doing sth.否认做某事

discuss doing sth.讨论做某事

dislike doing sth.不喜欢做某事

orgive doing sth.原谅做某事

give up doing sth.放弃做某事

imagine doing sth.想象做某事

keep doing sth.保持做某事

mention doing sth.提及做某事

mind doing sth.介意做某事

miss doing sth.错过做某事

pardon doing sth.原谅做某事


















“一分耕耘,一分收获。”在自己的理想道路上,多动脑筋,不断的思考,不停地学习,四肢能勤,不断地“书读百遍”,就会“其义自现”。下面给大家分享一些关于高三 英语单词 词组大全,希望对大家有所帮助。

高三英语 单词词组1

1. consist 组成,在于,一致

2. consist of 由…组成

3. divide…into 把…分成

4. break away from 脱离

5. to one’s credit 在…的名下,为…带来荣誉

6. attract 吸引,引起注意

7. leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑

8. plus 加上,和,正的

9. take the place of 代替

10. break down 损坏,破坏

11. arrange 安排

12. fold 折叠,对折

13. delight 快乐,高兴,喜悦


1. impression 印象,感想

2. take up 拿起,开始,继续

3. constant 时常发生的,连续不断的

4. previous 在前的,早先的

5. guide 指导,向导

6. lack 缺乏,没有

7. lose sight of 看不见

8. sweep up 横扫

9. slide into 移动,溜进

10. optimistic 乐观的

11. speed up 加速

12. desert 沙漠

13. instant 瞬间,片刻

14. settlement 定居,解决

15. delighted 快乐的,欣喜的

16. assist 帮助,协助

17. process 加工,处理,过程,程序

18. concentrate on 集中,聚集

19. acquire 获得,学到

20. assess 评估,评定

21. inform 通知

22. depend on 依靠

23. accuse… of 控告

24. so as to 为了

25. demand 需求,要求

26. ahead of 在…前面

27. approve 赞成,许可


1. first aid 急救

2. fall ill 生病

3. poison 毒药,使中毒

4. electric shock 触电,电休克

5. swell 使膨胀,隆起

6. squeeze 榨,挤

7. squeeze out 榨出,挤出

8. over and over again 反复,多次

9. in place 在适当的位置

10. pour 倒,灌

11. a number of 许多

12. put one’s hands on 找到

13. treat 治疗,对待,款待

14. apply 应用,运用,申请

15. make a difference 区别对待,有影响,起(重要)作用


aim n. 目标;目的 vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力

typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的

adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养

possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配

a great deal 大量

attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt. 尝试;企图

on the other hand (可是)另一方面

predict vt. 预言;预告;预测

specific adj. 确切的;特定的

appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt. 将……上诉 n. 呼吁;恳求

appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣


concrete adj. 具体的

flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的

take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容

run out of 用完

be made up of 由……构成

in particular 尤其;特别

eventually adv. 最后;终于

transform vi. & vt. 转化;转换;改造变换

appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的

exchange n. 交换;交流;互换 vt. & vi. 调换;交换

sponsor n. 赞助人;主办者;倡议者 vt. 发起;举办;倡议

try out 测试;试验

let out 发出;放走


abuse n. & vt. 滥用;虐待

stress n. 压力;重音 vt. 加压力于;使紧张

ban vt. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令;谴责

due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的

due to 由于……

automatic adj. 无意识的;自动

mental adj. 精神的;智力的

effect n. 结果;效力

strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强 vi. 变强

decide on 对……作出决定

feel like (doing) 想要(做)……

desperate adj. 绝望的,拼命的

disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的

ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的

in spite of 不顾;不管

take risks (a risk) 冒险

get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)

at risk 处境危险;遭受危险

awkward adj. 局促不安的;笨拙的

高三英语单词词组大全相关 文章 :

★ 高考必备英语词组大全

★ 高考英语高频词汇词组2020(2)

★ 高中英语考试中的高频单词及词组汇总

★ 高考英语高频词汇词组2020

★ 高中英语单词短语表

★ 高考英语写作中高分单词、短语汇总

★ 高考冲刺英语词汇词组

★ 高考英语高频词汇词组2020(3)

★ 高考英语词汇(固定搭配词汇)




词语 解释

above all 首先,首要

according to 根据

act upon each other 相互作用

adapt oneself to 使自己适应……

adapt to 适应

add ... to ... 把…加入

add up to 合计达

address oneself to 向…讲话;与…通信

a few (表示肯定)有些,几个

a great quantity of (接可数或不可数)大量

a good deal of (接不可数名词)许多,大量

a large amount of (接不可数名词)大量

a little (表示肯定)一些,一点点

a lot of (接可数、不可数名词) 大量的,许多

a number of (接可数名词)若干,许多

above all 首先,首要,尤其是

after all 毕竟,终究

ahead of 在…前面,先于

all but 几乎,差一点;除了…都

all of a sudden 忽然

all over 到处,遍及;全部结束。

all right 令人满意的;(健康)良好的;好,行,可以

in all 总共,共计

all the same 仍然,照样地;

all the time 一直,始终

and so on 等等

apart from 除…之外(别无);除…之外(尚有)

as ... as 像,如同,与…一样

as far as 远到;就…而言,至于

as follows 如下

as for 至于,关于

ask for leave 请假

as long as 只要,如果;既然,由于

as soon as 一…就,刚…便

as though 好像,仿佛

as to 至于,关于

as usual 照例,像平常一样-

as well 也,又

as well as 除…之外(也),既…又

ask for 请求,要求

at a loss 困惑不解,茫然不知所措

at all (用于否定句)丝毫(不),一点(不)

at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何

at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

at any rate 无论如何,至少

at ease 舒适(地),安逸(地)

at first 最初,起先

at hand 近在手头,在附近

at last 终于

at least 至少

at most 至多,不超过

at no time 从不,决不 。

at once 马上,立刻;同时,一起

at present 目前,现在

at the cost of 以…为代价

at the moment 此刻,目前

at the same time 同时;然而,不过

at the sight of 一看见…就

at the thought of 一想到…就


词语 解释

back and forth (前后)来回地,反复地

back up 支持;倒退

be absorbed in 专心于,精神贯注于

be described as 被描写成

be in favor of 支持

be made up of 由…组成,由…构成

be short of 缺少,不足;未达到

bear ... in mind 记住(某事)

because of 因为,由于

before long 不久以后

be worth doing sth 值得做某事

beyond the question 毫无疑问,确定无疑

both ... and ... 既…又…,不但…而且

break down 损坏,抛锚

break in 破门(窗)而入;打断,插嘴

break into 强行闯进

break off -中断,中止

break one's leave ;超假

break out (战争等)爆发;使逃脱,使逃走

break through 突破,突围

break up 打碎;终止,结束

bring about 带来,引起,导致

bring forward 提出(建议等)

bring in to effect 使生效,实行

brmgin to operation ... 实施;使运行

bring out 使…显示出来;出版

bring up 教育,培养

build up 逐步建立、增强,增进

but for 倘没有,要不是

by accident 偶然

by air 通过航空途径;用无线电

by all means 尽一切办法,务必

by and by 不久,迟早

by chance 偶然,碰巧

by far ... 得多,最(修饰比较级和最高级)

by means of 用,凭借

by mistake 错误地,无意中(做了某件错事)

by no means 决不,并没有

by oneself 单独地,独自地

by the way 顺便地,附带地说说

by way of 经过,经由;通过…的方法


词语 解释

call for 要求,需要;邀请

call off 取消

call on 访问,拜访;呼吁,号召

call up 打电话;召集

cannot help doing 禁不住,忍不住

capable of 有…能力(或技能)的;能…的

cannot ... too ... 越…越好,再…也不过分

care forr 照顾,照料;喜欢

carry forward 发扬;进行

carry off 拿走,夺去…的生命

carry on 继续

carry out ,执行,贯彻;进行(到底)

catch sight of 看到,发现

catch up with 赶上

cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人的某物

check in 办理登记手续,报到

check out 结账后离开,办妥手续离开

cheer up 高兴起来,振作起来

clear up 清理;使变清;放晴

come around 苏醒;顺便来访

come in handy for sth 某物迟早有用

come on (表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始

come out 出版,发表;显现,出现;结果是

come through 经历…仍活着

come to 苏醒;共计,达到

come to an end 结束

come true 实现

come up 出现,走上前来

come up with 追上,赶上;提出

compare ... to 把…比作,把…与…比较

count for little 轻视

count on 依靠,指望

cut down 砍倒;消减;缩短

cut in 打断,插嘴;(汽车)超车抢档

cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔

cut out 删掉,割去

cut short 缩短, 删节


词语 解释

deal with 做买卖;处理;论述,涉及 —

decide on 考虑后选定或决定

die down 变弱,逐渐消失 —

die out 消失,灭绝

do away with 废除,去掉

do ... a favour 帮助某人

draw in (火车、汽车)进站

araw up 起草,制订

dream of 梦到;梦想,向往

dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮

drop in 顺便(非正式)访问

drop out 退学,退出

due to 由于,因为


词语 解释

each other 互相(多用作宾语)

elther ... or 或…或,不是…就是…

end up 结束,告终

even if /though 即使,虽然

every now and then 时而,偶尔

every other 每隔一个

except for 除了…外


词语 解释

face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地

fail to do. . 没能做…

fit a new suit on sb. 给某人试穿新衣服

fit in with 适合、符合;适应


词语 解释

get across 使通过;使被理解

get along 过活;相处(with);进展

get down 从…下来;着手进行;写下

get into 对…发生兴趣;卷入;进入

get off (从…)下来;逃脱惩罚

get on 骑上(马、自行车等),登上(车、船、飞机等);有进展

get on with 与…友好相处;继续干

get out 离去,退出(组织等);(消息等) 泄漏

get over 克服(困难等);从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来

get rid of 处理掉;摆脱

get through 完成;打通电话;通过(考试)

get up 起床;起立

give in 屈服;让步

give off 发出或放出(蒸气等)

give out 分发;发出(气味等)

give up 放弃;投降

give way to 让位于;给…让路

go after 追逐,追求;设法得到

go ahead 开始,进行;前进,领先

go along with 赞同,附合,支持

go around (消息)流传;足够分配

go down 下去;(船等)下沉;下降

go for 去请,去取;赞成

go in for 从事于;酷爱;追求

go into 进入;调查;从事

go into action 开始行动

go into effect 实施,生效

go on 继续下去,进行

go out 熄灭,停止运转;过时

go over 检查;复习

go through 遭受,经历;检查,审查

go up 上升,(物价等)上涨;被炸毁,被烧毁

go wrong 出错;发生故障,出毛病

grow up 成熟;成年;发展


词语 解释

had better 应该,还是…好

had rather ... than 宁愿…(而不是)

hand in 交上;递上

hand out 分发,散发

hand over 交出,移交

hang on 抓紧不放;坚持下去;(电话不挂) 等一会儿

hang up 把…挂起来;挂断(电话)

have an advantage over 胜于,优于

have in mind 记在心里;考虑到,想到

have nothing to do with 和…毫无关系

have (something) to do with 和…(有点)关系

head for 朝…方向走去

help oneself 自取所需(食物等)

hold back 踌躇,退缩不前;阻止

hold sth back from sb 向某人隐瞒某事

hold on 握住不放;坚持;(打电话用语) 等一会儿

hold on to 紧紧抓住;控制,克制

hold up 举起;耽搁;延迟

hurry up (使)赶快;匆匆完成

hurt one's feelings 伤害某人感情


词语 解释

if only 只要;要是…就好

in a hurry 急于,忙于 ’

in a sense 从某种意义上

in a way 在某种程度上,从某一点上看

in a word 简而言之,一句话

in addition to 除…之外(还)

in advance 预先,事先

in any case 无论如何,不管怎样

in brief 简单地说

in case of 假如,如果发生;防备

in charge of 负责,主管

in common 共有的,共用的

in debt 欠债

in detail 详细的

in effect 实际上,事实上

in fact 事实上,其实

in favour of 支持,赞成

in front of 在…前面

in general 一般说来,大体上

in half 成两半

in honour of 为向…表示敬意;为纪念,为庆祝

in no case 无论如何不,决不

in no time 立即,马上

in no way 决不

in one's mind eye 在…看来

in order 按顺序;整齐

in order to 为了(做某事)

in other words 换句话说,也就是说

in part 部分地

in particular 特别,尤其

in person 亲自

in proportion to 与…成比例

in public 公开地,当众

in question 正在谈论的

in relation to 有关,涉及

in return (for) 作为(对…的)回报、交换

in short 简言之,总之

in sight 看得见,在视线之内;在望

in spite of 不管,不顾

in store 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来

in that 因为

in the course of 在…期间,在…过程中

in the end 最后,终于

in the face of 在…前面;不管,即使

in the future 在将来

in the way 挡道,“妨碍某人

in time 及时;最后,终于

in touch 联系,接触

in turn 依次地,轮流地;转而,反过来

in vain 徒劳,白费力

in stead of .替代,而不是


词语 解释

judging by/from 从…判断

just now 刚才,才不久;现在,眼下

join in 参加,加入;和…在一起


词语 解释

keep an eye on 留意,照看

keep in mind 记住

keep in touch with 与…保持联系

keep it up 坚持

keep on 继续进行,反复地做

keep one's word 守信用

keep sth. in one's mind 牢记某事

keep to 坚持;固守(习惯等)

keep up with 跟上,不落后

kill off 消灭,杀光

knock down 撞倒;击倒

knock out (拳击中)击倒,击昏


词语 解释

laugh at 因…而发笑;嘲笑

lay aside 把…搁置一旁;留存,储存

lay down 放下;铺设(铁路);制定(计划等)

lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开

lead to 通向;导致,引起

learn by heart 记住,背诵

learn from 学习,向…学习

leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带

leave off (使)停止,停下来

leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略

et alone 更别提;不打扰

let off 排放;放(炮),开(枪)

let out 放掉(水等),发出

lie in 在于

line up 排队,使排成一行

little (表示否定,不可数)没多少

little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地

live on 靠…生活;以…为食

live through 经历过;度过;经受住

live up to 无愧于;做到;符合

long before 在…以前很久

long for 渴望

look after 目送;照料,照顾

look at 看;看待

look back 回头看;回顾

look down on /upon 蔑视,看不起

look for 寻找,寻求;指望,期待

look forward to 盼望,期待;预期,预料

look into 观察;调查;查阅

look on 旁观;观看

look out 留神,注意

look over 仔细检查,细看;察看,巡视

look through (从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查;温习

lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开

lead to 通向;导致,引起

learn by heart 记住,背诵

learn from 学习,向…学习

leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带

leave off (使)停止,停下来

leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略

let alone 更别提;不打扰

let off 排放;放(炮),开(枪)

let out 放掉(水等),发出

lie in 在于

line up 排队,使排成一行

little (表示否定,不可数)没多少

little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地

live on 靠…生活;以…为食

live through 经历过;度过;经受住

live up to 无愧于;做到;符合

long before 在…以前很久

long for 渴望

look after 目送;照料,照顾

look at 看;看待

look back 回头看;回顾

look down on /upon 蔑视,看不起

look for 寻找,寻求;指望,期待

look forward to 盼望,期待;预期,预料

look into 观察;调查;查阅

look on 旁观;观看

look out 留神,注意

look over 仔细检查,细看;察看,巡视

look through (从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查;温习


词语 解释

make a Fire 生火

make for 走向,向…前进;导致,促成

make fun of 嘲笑;开…玩笑

make one's way 去,前进,前往

make out 写出,开列;看出,辨认出

make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理

make sure 查明,务必要做到

make up 组成,构成;编造,虚构;化妆

make up for 补偿,弥补

make up one's mind 下定决心,打定主意

make use of 使用,利用

masses of 大量的

mix up 拌和;混淆

more or less 或多或少,左右;有点儿


词语 解释

neither ... nor ... 既不…也不…

no doubt 无疑地

no less than 不少于,多达

no longer . 不再,已不

no more 不再

no more than 不多于,至多

no sooner ... than 一…就

not only ... but also 不但…而且

nothing but 只有;只不过

now and then 时而,不时

now that 既然,由于


词语 解释

of course 当然,自然

off duty 下班

on a small/large scale 小(大)规模地

on account of 由于,因为

on average 平均;通常;普通

on board 在船(或车、飞机等)上

on business 因公出差

on duty 值班,当班

on earth 究竟,到底

on foot 步行

on guard 站岗,警戒

on occasion (s) 有时,间或

on one's own 独立地,靠自己地

on purpose 故意,有目的地

on sale 出售;廉价出售

on the contrary 正相反

on the one hand 一方面

on the other hand 另一方面

on the spot 在现场,当场

on the whole 总的来说,大体上

on time 准时

once again 再一次

once in a while 偶尔

once upon a time 从前

once more 再一次,又一次

one another 相互

one ... the other 一个…另一个…

open fire 开火

or else 否则,要不然

or so 大约,左右

other than 不同于;除了

out of 在…外;离开…;缺乏

out of breath 喘不过气来

out of control 失去控制

out of date 过时的,不用的

out of doors 在户外

out of order 出故障;秩序混乱

out of place 不在适当的位置;不相称的、格格不入

our of sight 看不见,在视野之外

out of the question 毫不可能

out of work 失业

over and over 一再地,再三地


词语 解释

pass away 去世

pass On 把…传给别人

pay attention to 注意

pay back 偿还(借款等);回报

pay for 付款;偿还

pay off 还清(债款);取得成功

pick out 选出,挑出;辨认出,分辨出

pick up 捡起;(车等)中途搭人;学会

play apart (in) (在…中)扮演角色;(在…中) 起作用

play fire ,玩火

plenty of 许多,大量

point out 指出,指明

prior to 在前,居先,比…在先

pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸

pull into (车等)进入,驶入

pull out 拔出,抽出;(车、船等)驶出

put aside 储存,保留

put away 把…收起,放好

put down 记下;放下;镇压

put forward 提出(要求、事实等)

put into practice 实行,实施

put off 推迟,拖延

put on 穿上;上演

put out 熄灭;关(灯);公布,出版

put to use 使用 -

put up 举起;建造;张贴

put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)


词语 解释

quite a few 相当多,不少


词语 解释

rather than 宁愿…(而不);不是…(而是)

refer to ... as 把…称作;把…当作

regardless of 不顾,不惜

remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事

result from 是(由)…造成

result in 起,导致;结果是

right away 立即,马上

ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话

ring up 打电话

rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物

run into 偶然碰见;遇到(困难等);共计

run to (of) 用完,耗尽

run over (跑)过去、撞倒;溢出

run through 跑着穿过;刺穿;贯穿


词语 解释

see ... off 为某人送行

see ... through . 看破、看穿

see to 负责,注意,照料

send for 派人去请;召唤;索取

send off 寄出;为…送行;解雇

set about 开始,着手

set a fire to ... 给…烧把火

set apart 使分离;使显得突出

set aside 留出,拨出;不理会,置于一边

set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍;使花费

set down . 制订…;放下…

Set free 释放

set off 出发,起程;激起,引起

set out 动身,起程;开始

set up 创立,建立,为…作好准备; 竖起,建造

settle down 定居;安下心来

show off 炫耀,卖弄

show up 来到,露面

side by side 肩并肩地,一起

slow down /up 放慢速度;减速

so ... as to 如此…以至于

so far 迄今为止;到这种程度

so /as far as…(be) concerned 就…而言

so long as 只要,如果;既然,由于

some ... others ... 一些..其余的…

sooner or later 迟早,早晚,或迟或早

no sooner ... than 一…就…

stand for 是…的缩写,代表,意味着;主张,支持

stand out 引人注目;杰出,出色

stand up 起立;(论点、证据等)站得住脚

stick to 粘贴在…上;紧跟,紧随;坚持;忠于;信守

such as 例如,诸如

suit well with 很相称、彼此很协调

sum up 总结,概括

switch off /on .(用开关)关掉/开启


词语 解释

take ... for 把…认为是,把…看成是

take advantage of 利用,趁…之机

take after (在外貌、性格方面)与(父、母)相像

take apart 拆卸,拆开

take away 拿走;减去

take down 取下;记下;拆卸

take for 把…认为是,把…看作是

take ... for granted 认为—.—理所当然;(因视作当然而) 对…不予以重视

take in 欺骗;领会,理解

take into account 把…考虑进去

take off 脱下(衣帽等);起飞

take on 承担,呈现(面貌)

take one's time 不着急,不慌忙

take out 扣除

take over 接受,接管;借用,承袭

take part in 参加,参与

take place 发生,进行,举行

take the place of 代替,取代

take turns 依次,轮流 -

take up 开始从事;占去,占据

tell ... from 辨别,分辨

the moment (that) 一…(就)

thanks to 由于,多亏

think of 想到,记得;想一想,考虑,关心

think of ... as 把…看作是,以为…是

think over 仔细考虑

throw away 扔掉,抛弃

to a certain degree /extent某种程度

to the point 切中要害,切题

touch on 谈及,提及

try on 试穿

try one's best 尽力,努力

try out 试用,试验

turn down 拒绝;关小,调低

turn in 上床睡觉;交还,上交

turn ... into 使变成,使成为

turn off 关(水源等);拐弯

turn on 开,旋开(电灯等)

turn one's back on 不理睬

turn out 关掉(收音机等);生产,制造;驱逐;结果是

turn out to be + adj. 结果是

turn over 仔细考虑

turn to 变成;求助于,借助于

turn up 出现,来到;开大,调大


词语 解释

under control 处于控制之下

undergo experiences 经历,体验

under the circumstances 在这种情况下,(情况)既然如此

up to (数量上)多达;(时间上)直到; 取决于

up to date 现代化的,切合目前情况的

use up 用完,耗尽


词语 解释

wait for 等候,等待

wait on 服侍(某人)

warm up (使)暖起来;(使)变热

wash up 洗餐具;洗手洗脸

watch out for 密切注意;戒备,提防

wear out 穿破,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽

What about ... (征求意见时)怎么样

What if ... 如果…将来会怎么样

whether ... or 是…还是…,不管…还是

wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭

with regard to 关于,至于

within reach 伸手可及

with respect to 关于,至于

with the exception of 除…之外

without question 毫无疑问,毫无异议

work out 算出;想出,制定出

would rather (... than) 宁可,宁愿(…则不愿)


1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 arguments on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to …

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外 …be no exception

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33. 对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

36.综合素质 comprehensive quality

37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach

39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

40. 应当承认 Admittedly,

41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42. 满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…

43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)

46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in favor of the former/ latter opinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益. interest in the long run

60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.

63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with

the latest development of …

66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.

67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.

No garden without weeds.

69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person.

70.重视 attach great importance to…

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.

80.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.

82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding

88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

91.更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society

93.实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true

94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with

96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

97. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore

98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,

100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.


side by side 并排, 并肩

learn ... by heart 用心学习

combine ... with ... 与...结合

in that circumstances 如果是那样的话

replace ... with ... 用...代替...

keep a record of 记录

comments on ... 关于...的意见

at least 至少来源:

speak about 谈及

expect of/from... 从...当中期待

in return 作为回报

the survey on ... 关于...的调查

differ in... 在...不同

emerge from... 从...出现

be satisfied with...

play ... roles 扮演...的角色

lean over... 弯下身子 俯身于...之上

turn out 结果是,证明是

in silence 在沉默中

burst into laughter 突然笑出声来

concentrate on ... 全神贯注于...

be replaced by 被...所取代

for the purpose of... 为了..., 因...起见

distinguish ... from ... 区分...与...

communicate with... 与...交流

one another 彼此,相互

by means of... 用...的方法

at the approach of... 在...快到的时候

differ from... 与...不同

for instance 举例来说

divide ... into ... 把...分成...

enable sb. to do ... 使某人能够做某事

wave goodbye 挥别

in sympathy with 同情 赞成 和...一致

look over 察看, 检查

a lack of... 缺少...

check with... 与...协商

tend to do... 趋向于做...,喜欢做...

call after 追喊, 以...命名

call for 要求, 提倡

fight against 与...作战(敌人之间)

fight with 与...作战(战友之间)

agreement on ... 关于...达成的协议

add up 合计

add to 增加

take ... for example

in price 在价格上

in the long run 从长远来看,最后

on offer 在出售中

choose from... 从...中挑选

be curious about... 对...感到好奇

confront with... 使面临, 使面对

with interest 有兴趣地

an average of ... 平均是...

at high altitudes 在很高的地方

draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

focus on 集中考试大论坛

in years to come 在未来的几年内

as a matter of fact 实际上

adopt a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法

wait for 等待

pass through 经过, 通过

a sequence of 一系列的

set apart from 把...区分开

take ... for granted 以...为骄傲

be aware of/that 注意到

translate into 翻译成

set in 开始

intend to do 想要做

looking forward to 期望

be built from... 用...去建造

a wide variety of 很多的

at advanced levels 在高级范围内

carry out 完成,实施

according to 根据

aim to do 指望做某事

make sacrifices to do 做出牺牲而做

in depth 深入地


a series of 一系列,一连串

above all 首先,尤其是

after all 毕竟,究竟

ahead of 在...之前

ahead of time 提前

all at once 突然,同时

all but 几乎;除了...都

all of a sudden 突然

all over 遍及

all over again 再一次,重新

all the time 一直,始终

all the same 仍然,照样的

as regards 关于,至于

anything but 根本不

as a matter of fact 实际上

apart from 除...外(有/无)

as a rule 通常,照例

as a result(of) 因此,由于

as far as ...be concerned 就...而言

as far as 远至,到...程度

as for 至于,关于

as follows 如下

as if 好像,仿怫

as good as 和...几乎一样

as usual 像平常一样,照例

as to 至于,关于

all right 令人满意的;可以

as well 同样,也,还

as well as 除...外(也),即...又

aside from 除...外(还有)

at a loss 茫然,不知所措

at a time 一次,每次

at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

at all costs 不惜一切代价

at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

at all times 随时,总是

at any rate 无论如何,至少

at best 充其量,至多

at first 最初,起先

at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

at hand 在手边,在附近

at heart 内心里,本质上

at home 在家,在国内

at intervals 不时,每隔...

at large 大多数,未被捕获的

at least 至少

at last 终于

at length 最终,终于

at most 至多,不超过

at no time 从不,决不

by accident 偶然

at one time 曾经,一度;同时

at present 目前,现在

at sb's disposal 任...处理

at the cost of 以...为代价

at the mercy of 任凭...摆布

at the moment 此刻,目前

at this rate 照此速度

at times 有时,间或

back and forth 来回地,反复地

back of 在...后面

before long 不久以后

beside point 离题的,不相干的

beyond question 毫无疑问

by air 通过航空途径

by all means 尽一切办法,务必

by and by 不久,迟早

by chance 偶然,碰巧

by far 最,...得多

by hand 用手,用体力

by itself 自动地,独自地

by means of 用,依靠

by mistake 错误地,无意地

by no means 决不,并没有

by oneself 单独地,独自地

by reason of 由于

by the way 顺便说说

by virtue of 借助,由于

by way of 经由,通过...方法

due to 由于,因为

each other 互相

even if/though 即使,虽然

ever so 非常,极其

every now and then 时而,偶尔

every other 每隔一个的

except for 除了...外

face to face 面对面地

far from 远非,远离

for ever 永远

for good 永久地

for the better 好转

for the moment 暂时,目前

for the present 暂时,目前

for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益

for the time being 暂时,眼下

from time to time 有时,不时

hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联

head on 迎面地,正面的

heart and soul 全心全意地

how about ...怎么样

in a hurry 匆忙,急于

in case of 假如,防备

in a moment 立刻,一会儿

in a sense 从某种意义上说

in a way 在某种程度上

in a word 简言之,总之

in accordance with 与...一致,按照

in addition 另外,加之

in addition to 除...之外(还)

in advance 预先,事先

in all 总共,合计

in any case 无论如何

in any event 无论如何

in brief 简单地说

in charge of 负责,总管

in common 共用的,共有的

in consequence(of) 因此;由于

in debt 欠债,欠情

in detail 详细地

in difficulty 处境困难

in effect 实际上,事实上

in general 一般来说,大体上

in favor of 支持,赞成

in front of 面对,在...前

in half 成两半

in hand 在进行中,待办理

in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念

in itself 本质上,就其本身而言

in line with 与...一致

in memory of 纪念

in no case 决不

in no time 立即,马上

in no way 决不

in order 按顺序,按次序

in other words 换句话说

in part 部分地

in particular 特别,尤其

in person 亲自,本人

in place 在合适的位置

in place of 代替,取代,交换

in practice 在实践中,实际上

in proportion to 与...成比例

in public 公开地,当众

in quantity 大量

in question 正在谈论的

in regard to 关于,至于

in relation to 关于,涉及

in return 作为报答/回报/交换

in return for 作为对...报答

in short 简言之,总之

in sight 被见到;在望

in spite of 尽管

in step 齐步,合拍

in step with 与...一致/协调

in tears 流着泪,在哭着

in the course of 在...期间/过程中

in the distance 在远处

in the end 最后,终于

in the event of 如果...发生,万一

in the face of 即使;在...面前

in the first place 首先

in the future 在未来

in the least 丝毫,一点

in (the)light of 鉴于,由于

in the way 挡道

in the world 究竟,到底

in time 及时

in touch 联系,接触

in turn 依次,轮流;转而

in vain 徒劳,白费力

instead of 代替,而不是

just now 眼下;刚才

little by little 逐渐地

lots of 许多

many a 许多

more or less 或多或少,有点

next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

no doubt 无疑地

no less than 不少于...;不亚于...

no longer 不再

no more 不再

no more than 至多,同...一样不

none other than 不是别的,正是

on one's guard 警惕,提防

nothing but 只有,只不过

now and then 时而,偶尔

off and on 断断续续,间歇地

off duty 下班

on a large/small scale 大/小规模地

on account of 由于

on(an/the) average 平均,通常

on behalf of 代表

on board 在船(车/飞机)上

on business 因公

on condition that 如果

on duty 上班,值班

on earth 究竟,到底

on fire 起火着火

on foot 步行,

on guard 站岗,值班

on hand 在场,在手边

on occasion(s) 有时,间或

on one's own 独立,独自

on purpose 故意地

on sale 出售,廉价出售

on schedule 按时间表,准时

on second thoughts 经重新考虑

on the contrary 正相反

on the grounds of 根据,以...为由

on (the) one hand 一方面

on the other hand 另一方面

on the point of 即将...的时刻

on the road 在旅途中

on the side 作为兼职/副 业

on the spot 在场;马上

on the whole 总的来说,大体上

on time 准时

once again 再一次

once(and)for all 一劳永逸地

once in a while 偶尔

once more 再一次

once upon a time 从前

one another 相互

or else 否则,要不然

or so 大约,左右

other than 非;除了

out of 从...中;由于;缺乏

out of breath 喘不过气来

out of control 失去控制

out of date 过时的

out of doors 在户外

out of order 出故障的

out of place 不适当的

out of practice 久不练习,荒疏

out of sight 看不见,在视野外

out of the question 毫无可能的

out of touch 不联系,不接触

over and over(again) 一再地,再三地

prior at 在...之前

quite a few 相当多,不少

rather than 不是...(而是)

regardless of 不顾,不惜

right away 立即,马上

side by side 肩并肩,一起

so far 迄今为止

sooner or later 迟早,早晚

step by step 逐步地

such as 例如,诸如

thanks to 由于,多亏

that is (to say) 就是说,即

to the point 切中要害,切题

under control 处于控制之下

under the circumstances 这种情况下

up to date 在进行中

up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于

what if 切合目前情况的

what about 怎么样

with respect to 如果...将怎么样

with regard to 关于,至于

without question 关于,至于,

with the exception of 除...之外

without question 毫无疑问

word for word 逐字的




3.对固定词组的意义,切不可望文生义。例如,动词look愿意为“看”,但look after意为“照料”,look up (a word in a dictionary)意为“(在词典中)查找(单词)”。

4.要十分注意固定词组中冠词的使用。有时冠词可引起词义的变化,例如,go the school意为“上学”,而go to the school意为“到学校里去”;take place意为“发生”,而take the place意为“取代”。有些词组中须用冠词,而另一些则不用。例如,in the evening, at night。



1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出

2)be at home/work 在家/上班

3)be good at 善于,擅长于

4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细

5)be covered with 被……复盖

6)be ready for 为……作好准备

7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶

8)be interested in 对……感到举

9)be born 出生

10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着

11)be able to do sth. 能够做……

12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)

13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气

14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)

15)be famous for 以……而著名

16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求

17)be from 来自……,什么地方人

18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了

19)be worried 担忧

20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做……

21)be covered with 被……所覆盖……

22)be in (great) need of (很)需要

23)be in trouble 处于困境中

24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……

25)be late for ……迟到

26)be made of (from) 由……制成

27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意

28)be free 空闲的,有空

29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床

30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)

(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组</P< p>

1)come back 回来

2)come down 下来

3)come in 进入,进来

4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来

5)come out出来

6)come out of 从……出来

7)come up 上来

8)come from 来自……

9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业

10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读

11)do one's best 尽力

12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)

13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)

14)do morning exercises 做早操

15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操

16)do well in 在……某方面干得好

17)get up 起身

18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好

19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备

20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽)

21)get back 返回

22)get rid of 除掉,去除

23)get in 进入,收集

24)get on/off 上/下车

25)get to 到达

26)get there 到达那里

27)give sb. a call 给……打电话

28)give a talk 作报告

29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)

30)give back 归还,送回

31)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告

32)give lessons to 给……上课

33)give in 屈服

34)give up 放弃

35)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会

36)give a message to…… 给……一个口信

37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧

38)go to the cinema 看**

39)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)

40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)

41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病

42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去

43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东

44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)

45)go round 顺便去,绕道走

46)go up 上去

47)go out for a walk 外出散步

48)go on (doing) 继续(做……)

49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作

50)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼

51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了

52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会

53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛

54)have dictation 听见

55)have a try 试一试

56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴

57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)

58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告

59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)

60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)

62)have a dinner 吃正餐

63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶

64)have (have got) a headache 头痛

65)have a fever 发烧

66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)

67)have a look (at) 看一看……

68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)

69)have a talk 谈话

70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步

71)have sports 进行体育锻炼

72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会

73)have something done 让人(请人)做……

74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试

75)have an idea 有了个主意

76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……)

77)have a word with 与……谈几句话

78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做

79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉

80)help each other 互相帮助

81)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……

82)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静

83)keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……

84)keep one's diary 记日记

85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)

86)make a living 谋生

87)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……

88)make faces (a face)做鬼脸

89)make friends (with)与……交朋友

90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误

91)make room/space for 给……腾出地方

92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句

93)make a fire 生火

94)be made from/of 由……制成

95)be made in 在……地方制造

96)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)

97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典

98)look up 往上看,仰望

99)look after 照管,照看,照顾

100)look for 寻找

101)look like 看上去像

102)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑

103)look out 当心,小心

104)look on …as… 把……当作……看待

105)look around 朝四周看

106)look at 看着……

107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)

108)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖

109)put into 使进入,输入

110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于

111)put…down… 把……放下

112)put…into… 把……译成

113)set up 竖起,建起

114)set off 出发,动身

115)set out 出发

116)set an example for 为……树立榜样

117)send for 派人去请(叫)

118)send out 放出,发出

119)end up 把……往上送,发射

120)take one's advice 听从某人劝告

121)take out 拿出,取出

122)take down 拿下

123)take place 发生

124)take one's place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务

125)take the place of 代替……

126)take a walk/rest 散步/休息

127)take it easy 别紧张

128)take sth.with sb. 随身带着

129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假

130)take care of 关心,照顾,保管

131)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)

132)take an exam 参加考试

133)take away 拿走

134)take back 收回,带回

135)take hold of 抓住……

136)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉

137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动

138)take photos 拍照

139)take some medicine 服药

140)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船

141)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)

142)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)

143)turn in 交出,上交

144)turn…into… 变成

145)turn to 翻到,转向

146)turn down (把音量)调低

147)turn…over 把……翻过来

148)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球

149)play games 做游戏

150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)

151)play with snow 玩雪

152)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑


153)think over 仔细考虑

154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处

155)eat up 吃完,吃光

156)do well in 在……干得好

157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事

158)find out 发现,查出(真相等)

159)finish off 吃完,喝完

160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事

161)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

162)hold a meting 举行会议

163)hold up 举起

164)hurry up 赶快,快点

165)enter for 报名参加

166)langht at 嘲笑

167)be used to 习惯于

168)used to 过去常常

169)wake…up 唤醒

170)work out 算出


1)ask for 向……要……,请求

2)ask for leave 请假

3)send for 派人去请(叫)

4)pay for 付……的款

5)wait for 等候

6)thank for 为……感谢

7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

8)look for 寻找

9)leave…for 离开……去……

10)fall off 跌落

11)catch cold 着凉,伤风

12)catch up with 赶上

13)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见

14)filled……with 把……装满

15)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事

16)talk about 谈论……

17)think about 考虑……

18)worry about 担忧……

19)look after 照料

20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑

21)read after 跟……读

22)smile at 对……微笑

23)knock at 敲(门、窗)

24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)

25)throw away 扔掉

26)work hard at 努力做……

27)wait in line 排队等候

28)change…into… 变成

29)hurry into… 匆忙进入

30)run into… 跑进

31)hear of 听说

32)think of 认为,考虑

33)catch hold of 抓住

34)instead of 代替……

35)hand in 交上来

36)stay in bed 卧病在床

37)hear from 收到……来信

38)at once 立刻

39)at last 最后

40)at first 起先,首先

41)at the age of… 在……岁时

42)at the end of… 在……之末

43)at the beginning of… 在……之初

44)at the foot of… 在……脚下

45)at the same time 同时

46)at night/noon 在夜里/中午

47)with one's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助

48)with the help of … 在……的帮助下

49)with a smile 面带笑容

50)with one's own eyes 亲眼看见

51)after a while 过了一会儿

52)from now on 从现在起

53)from then on 从那时起

54)far example 例如

55)far away from 远离

56)from morning till night 从早到晚

57)by and by 不久

58)by air mail 寄航空邮件

59)by ordinary mail 寄平信

60)by the way 顺便说

61)by the window 在窗边

62)by the end of… 到……底为止

63)little by little 逐渐地

64)in all 总共

65)in fact 事实上

66)in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时

67)in a hurry 匆忙

68)in the middle of 在……中间

69)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快

70)in time (on time) 及时

71)in public 公众,公开地

72)in order to 为了……

73)in front of 在……前面

74)in the sun 在阳光下

75)in the end 最后,终于

76)in surprise 惊奇地

77)in turn 依次

78)of course 当然

79)a bit (of) 有一点儿

80)a lot of 许多

81)on one's way to 某人在去……的路上

82)on foot 步行,走路

83)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告

84)on the other hand 另一方面

85)at/on the weekend 在周末

86)on the left (right) 在左(右)边

87)on the other side of 在……另一边

88)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播)

89)to one's joy 使……高兴的是

90)to one's surprise 使……惊讶的是



1)a bit 一点儿

2)a few (of) 一些(可数),几个……

3)a little 一些(不可数)

4)a lot of (lots of) 许多

5)a piece of 一张(一片,块)

6)a cup of 一茶怀

7)a glass of 一玻璃杯

8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 一堆(一堆堆的)……

9)a box of 一盒

10)a copy of 一份,一本

11)a bowl of 一碗

12)a basket of 一篮

13)a plate of 一盘

14)a bottle of 一瓶

15)a basin of 一脸盆

16)a set of 一套

17)a kind of 一种

18)a type of 一种类型的

19)a great deal of 非常多,大量的(不可数名词)

20)a large (great) number of 非常多,大量的(可数名词)

21)a great many 大量,许多(可数名词)

22)a different type of 一种不同型号的

23)a group of 一队,一组,一群


1)all kinds of 各种各样的

2)all over the world/the country 全世界/全国

3)all over 遍及每一部分,浑身

4)all one's life 一生

5)one after another 顺次

6)the Children's Palace 少年宫

7)day after day 日复一日

8)up and down 上上下下

9)the day after tomorrow 后天

10)the day before yesterday 前天

11)the last/past two years (or so) 最近两年(左右)

12)the whole country/the whole world 全国/全世界

13)a moment ago 刚才

14)just now/then 刚才/那时

15)half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程

16)late on 过后,后来


 高考正在紧张的备考阶段,高考英语的学习依然至关重要,不仅靠知识的积累和运用。接下来是我为大家整理的高考英语知识点考点 总结 归纳,希望大家喜欢!


 高中英语实用常考 短语

 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all

 偶然,无意中 by accident

 对(于)…很积极 be active in

 合计为 add up to

 承让错误 admit one’s mistake

 接受某人的建议 take / follow one’s advice

 就…提出建议 give advice on

 建议某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth.

 后天 the day after tomorrow

 毕竟;终究 after all

 违心 against one’s will

 在…岁时 at the age of

 实现目标 achieve one’s aim

 在空中;悬而未决 in the air

 在户外,在露天里 in the open air

 在机场 at the airport

 火警 the fire alarm

 满腔怒火 be filled with anger

 因某人之言行而生气 be angry at sth.

 生某人的气 be angry with sb.

 通知 make an announcement

 相继地,按顺序地 one after another

 相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之间)one another

 相互(指两者之间) each other

 没有回答 give no answer


 形成…局面;产生 come into being

 安全带 a safety belt

 三思而后行。 Second thoughts are best.

 尽力,尽最大的努力 do / try one’s best

 尽量利用,善用 make the best of

 一切顺利,万事如意 all the best

 黑体地,粗体地 in bold

 出身于农民家庭 be born in a peasant’s family

 鞠躬 make a bow

 动动脑子 use one’s brains

 打破纪录 break the record

 深吸一口气 take a deep breath

 屏息;憋住气 hold one’s breath

 上气不接下气 out of breath

 刷牙 brush one’s teeth

 突然哭起来 burst into tears

 突然一阵大笑 a burst of laughter

 要不是 but for

 呼救声 a call for help

 保持镇静(别慌) keep calm

 保持安静(别吵) keep quiet

 保持不动(别动) keep still

 保持沉默(别说话) keep silent

 夏令营 a summer camp

 去 野营 go camping

 情不自禁… cannot help doing

 打牌 play cards

 照顾,保管 take care of

 医疗护理 medical care

 anything but 一点也不

 anything like 像……那样的东西

 anywhere near 接近于

 apart form 除……之外尚有

 apply to 向……申请,适用于

 appreciation of 对……的欣赏

 argue against 反对

 as a result of 作为……的结果,由于



 感叹句:一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。英语感叹句常用"what"和"how"引导,"what"和"how"与所修饰的词置于句首, 其它 部分用陈述句语序。

 感叹词 修饰对象 感叹部分 主语 谓语+其他!

 How(副词) 修饰形容词 How nice

 How nice a girl the girl

 she is!


 修饰副词 How well

 How hard the boy

 the workers Is swimming!

 are working!

 修饰动词 How

 =what the flowers


 =how fast She



 he Loves the flowers!




 What(形容词) 修饰单数可数名词 What a nice girl

 =How nice a girl Jenny

 Jenny Was!


 修饰复数可数名词 What nice girls They Were!

 修饰不可数名词 What fine weather

 what dirty water It

 he Is!



 感叹句还可由陈述句、疑问句、祈使句,甚至一个词组及单词构成。例如: There was no face showing!

 He’s such a nice boy!

 The Great Wall is a magnificent building!

 Isn’t it snowing heavily!



 Happy New Year to you!























 So +be/情态/助动词+主语


 So +adj/adv …+that …

 Neither …, nor …

 Not only …, but also …

 Not until …



 一. 祈使句的句式特征

 祈使句常常是表达说话人对对方的劝告、叮嘱、请求或命令等。因此,祈使句中一般没有主语,但根据其句意,实际上是省略了主语you。祈使句句末用感叹号或句号,朗读时,常用降调。在表达请求或劝告时,在祈使句前或句末可加, 上please,以使句, 子的语气更加缓和, 或客气。祈使句一般没有时态的变化,也不能与情态动词连用。例如:

 Keep off the grass!勿踩草地!

 Put the boxes in the small room.把那些盒子放到那个小房间里。

 二. 祈使句的肯定句式


 1. 行为动词原形+其他成分。例如:

 Make sentences after the model.根据例句 造句 。

 2. Be动词+其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)。例如:

 Be careful when crossing the street.过马路时要小心。

 3. Let, +宾语+动词原, 形+, 其他, 成分, 。例如:

 Let him go back now.让他现在回去吧。

 三. 祈使句的否定句式


 1. 在祈使句的肯定句式前加Don’t,构成“Don’t+行为动词原形+其他成分”。例如:

 Don’t say that again!别再那样说了!

 2. 在Be动词引起的肯定祈使句前加Don’t,构成“Don’t be+其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)”。例如:Don’t be careless.不要粗心。


 3. Let引起的祈使句的否定形式有两种:(1)Let开头的祈使句,如果后面跟第一、第三人称名词或代词的宾格,可在Let前加Don’t,也可在Let后宾格的名词或代词后面加not。(2)如果以Let’s开头的祈使句,必须在Let’s后加not。例如:

 Don’t let me go with her tomorrow. =Let me not go with her tomorrow.


 Let’s not tell her the truth whenever we meet her.


 4. 在公共场合的 提示语 中,否定祈使句常用“No+名词/V-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”。例如:

 NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照!

 四. 祈使句的反意问句

 祈使句的反意疑问句须按其 句子 结构及讲话人的语气来决定其疑问部分。通常有以下三种形式:

 1. 祈使句为肯定句式,其反意疑问句表示请求时,通常用will you;表示邀请、劝说时,用won’t you。例如:

 Be sure to write to us, will you?你一定要给我们写信,好吗?

 Come to have dinner with us this evening, won’t you?


 2. 祈使句为否定句式,其反意疑问句通常只用will you。例如:

 Don’t smoke in the meeting room, will you?


 3. Let开头的祈使句构成反意疑问句时,除Let’s用shall we外,其他均用will you。例如: Let the boy go first, will you?让个那男孩先走,好吗?

 Let’s take a walk after supper, shall we?


 五. 祈使句的回答


 --- Don’t go out, please. It’s raining heavily outside.


 ---- Yes, I will. I have to meet my brother at the airport.


 六. 祈使句与陈述句的并列使用

 祈使句后接陈述句时,须用连接词连接。如果祈使句与陈述句表示的是一种顺承关系时,要用并列连词and来连接;如果祈使句与陈述句存在一种否定条件关系时,要用并列连词or来连接。例如: Leave it with me and I will see what I can do.


 Hurry up, or we’ll be late.


 七. 祈使句与条件状语从句的连用


 Tell him to make a phone call to me if he comes here tomorrow.


 八. 祈使句的强调形式


 Do shut up!快住口!

 九. 特殊形式的祈使句


 More water and the young trees couldn’t have died. =If you had given them more water, the young trees couldn’t have died.


 十. 运用祈使句的误区


 ___________ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

 A. Having checkedB. Check

 C. If you checkD. To check

 析:如果空白处选填B(Check)项,则视为祈使句,但后一分句前没有并列连接词and连接;如选A或D项(分词或不定式),句中逻辑主语some spelling mistakes又不能执行这个动作,故均不符合句子结构。因此,只有C项(条件状语从句)符合句子结构及句意。

高考英语知识点考点总结归纳相关 文章 :

1. 高考英语知识点考点归纳

2. 高考英语知识点总结归纳

3. 高考英语知识点归纳整理

4. 英语高考知识点总结归纳

5. 高考英语知识点汇总大全

6. 高考英语知识考点汇总

7. 高考英语考点总结

8. 高考英语知识点归纳

9. 高考英语知识点总结

10. 高中英语知识点总结与归纳

一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc)

~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc)

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.


Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.


二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.


三、 ~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.


例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.


四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...)

例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...)

例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.


六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的...)

例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的优点是...)

例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won‘t create (produce) any pollution.


八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...)

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.

The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.


九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此...以致于...)

例句:So precious is time that we can‘t afford to waste it.


十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然...)

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.

{by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}


十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~

The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V


例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.


The more books we read, the more learned we become.


十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着...,..能够..)

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.


十三、 ~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (..使..能够..)

例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.


十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能...)

例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.

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